New Features for June 2009

The Latest Service Updates for LogMeIn Rescue Are Available Now! Your Update Is On the Way.
There's nothing you need to do; the LogMeIn Rescue service will automatically update software installed on your computer(s) in the next several days.
What's New?

Administration Center:

  • "Working Hours" Scheduling: Define working/non-working hours and set Technician Console behavior when “No Technician Available” conditions are met.

Technician Console:

  • Customizable Technician Session Survey: This feature presents a post session survey to technicians to gather important session data such as detailed problem type disposition.
  • Custom Field Editing: This feature enables technicians to edit custom session fields during an active session.
  • Customizable External Content Link: The feature enables technicians to directly access a support portal or resource page from the Technician Console UI.
  • Remote Control Screen Capture: This feature allows technicians to capture screen shots while remote controlling a device and to save the image in several popular image formats.
  • Unique clipboard Per Session: This feature provides the option to enable a per session clipboard versus having a universal clipboard across all sessions.
  • New Code Entry URL: This feature allows for faster end user support access by providing a short and easy to remember code URL.
  • Device Configuration: When supporting a Windows Mobile or Symbian device, the Technician Console Device Configuration tab will now feature a standard set of configuration options for all devices and operating systems. This facilitates the configuration of email and sync settings by eliminating complexity associated with device and mobile OS level differences.
  • Mobile Collaboration Enhancements: This feature enables multiple technicians to simultaneously work with a common Windows Mobile session. This feature provides granular controls over the collaborating technicians to ensure correct privileges are applied.
  • Generic Mobile Device Simulation: This feature will present a generic device simulation skin when the mobile OS is supported but not simulated.


  • Display Estimated Waiting Time: Show your customers the amount of time they can expect to wait before a technician will be able to activate their session.
  • Windows Mobile Branding: This feature allows account branding within the Windows Mobile applet.

New Features Guide: