LogMeIn Rescue API User Guide


Generates a ticket that allows the technician to log in to the Rescue Desktop Technician Console from the company intranet website using single sign-on.

Input Parameters

Element Description
ssoid The single sign-on ID of the Rescue account. Required.
Password The password of the corresponding Rescue account. Required.
CompanyID The identifier of the company using single sign-on to authenticate technicians. Required.
arch=64 To be used when 64-bit Desktop Technician Console is needed. Optional.



Return Values

Displayed Return Value Description
OK Generating a login ticket succeeded.
INVALIDPASSWORD The single sign-on ID does not identify a technician, and/or the specified password does not authenticate a technician.
INVALIDCOMPANYID The specified company ID does not exist.
MISSINGPARAMETERS At least one of the required parameters was not provided.

Sample Code

The following are examples for using the getDTCLoginTicket method that you can call in your environment.




<form method="post" action="https://secure.logmeinrescue.com/SSO/GetDTCLoginTicket.aspx">
        <input name="ssoid value="123456">
        <input name="Password" value="secretPassword">
        <input name="CompanyID" value="654321">
        <input name="arch" value="64">

C# with HttpWebRequest

The example values shown must be replaced with actual values.

string sSSOID = [your User ID];
string sSSOPassword = [Should be set manually];
bool is64Bit = true;

System.Net.HttpWebRequest oReq = 
("https://secure.logmeinrescue.com/SSO/GetDTCLoginTicket.aspx?SSOID=" + sSSOID + "&Password=" 
+ sSSOPassword + "&CompanyID=112938" + (is64Bit? "&arch=64" : ""));
System.Net.HttpWebResponse oResp = (System.Net.HttpWebResponse)oReq.GetResponse();
string sResp = new System.IO.StreamReader(oResp.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();

if (sResp.StartsWith("OK:"))
    Response.Redirect( sResp.Substring("OK:".Length) );
    Response.Write( sResp );