LogMeIn Rescue API User Guide


Updates the properties of a user group. You can modify the same group details in the Rescue Administration Center by selecting a user group. For information about group permissions, see How to Create a Technician Group and Assign Permissions in the LogMeIn Rescue Administration Center User Guide.

Changes in Version 2 of setGroup

The following have been introduced in the setGroup_v2 method:

  • UnattendedAccess, SessionHoldNotAllowed, and ConnectOnLan have been added as new permissions and locked permissions for nodes.
  • The RPATCONCURRENTLIMIT parameter is now available for displaying the limit of concurrent RPAT-enabled technicians.

Input Parameters

Element Description
node The ID of the user group. Required.
name The name of the user group. Required.
status The status of the user group. Required.
The possible values are as follows:
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
description The description of the user group. Optional.
permission The possible permissions of a group. Use commas (,) to define multiple permissions. Optional.
The possible values are as follows:
  • RemoteControl
  • RemoteView
  • SendFile
  • SendURL
  • ViewSystemInformation
  • RebootClientComputer
  • ReceiveFile
  • SessionRecording
  • PrivateSessions
  • OneTimePermission
  • FileManagement
  • ScriptRunning
  • UnlimitedScripting
  • SessionTransferNotAllowed
  • EditCustomField
  • WindowsCredentialsRequestNotAllowed
  • ClipboardSynchronizationNotAllowed
  • CallingCardDeployment
  • ScreenSharingNotAllowed
  • CollaborationNotAllowed
  • DeviceConfiguration
  • ChatSuppression
  • ChatSuppressionConsoleSwitch
  • UnattendedAccess
  • SessionHoldNotAllowed
  • ConnectOnLan
lockedpermission The locked permissions of a group. Use commas (,) to define multiple permissions. Optional.
The possible values are as follows:
  • RemoteControl
  • RemoteView
  • SendURL
  • SendFile
  • ViewSystemInformation
  • RebootClientComputer
  • ReceiveFile
  • SessionRecording
  • PrivateSessions
  • OneTimePermission
  • FileManagement
  • ScriptRunning
  • UnlimitedScripting
  • SessionTransferNotAllowed
  • EditCustomField
  • WindowsCredentialsRequestNotAllowed
  • ClipboardSynchronizationNotAllowed
  • CallingCardDeployment
  • ScreenSharingNotAllowed
  • CollaborationNotAllowed
  • DeviceConfiguration
  • ChatSuppression
  • ChatSuppressionConsoleSwitch
  • UnattendedAccess
  • SessionHoldNotAllowed
  • ConnectOnLan
standardconcurrentlimit The limit of the standard concurrent seats. Required.
mobileconcurrentlimit The limit of the mobile concurrent seats. Required.
rpatconcurrentlimit The limit of the RPAT concurrent seats. This element is only available in the setGroup_v2 method. Required.
authcode The secret authentication code that is used to authenticate the user without logging in to Rescue. Optional.

Return Values

Displayed Return Value Description
ERROR An unspecified error occurred, such as timeout.
OK Updating user group properties succeeded.
NOTLOGGEDIN Updating user group properties failed because the current user is no longer logged in.
INVALIDPARAM_NODE The specified ID is either not the ID of a user node or does not exist.
INVALIDPARAM_NAME The name is too long or the field is empty.
INVALIDPARAM_STATUS The specified status is incorrect or does not exist.
INVALIDPARAM_PERMISSION The defined permission set of the user are either incorrect or empty.
INVALIDPARAM_​LOCKEDPERMISSION The defined locked permission set of the user are either incorrect or empty.
INVALIDPARAM_​STANDARDCONCURRENTLIMIT The number of standard concurrent users cannot exceed the limit defined for either globally for the organization or for the group.
INVALIDPARAM_​MOBILECONCURRENTLIMIT The number of mobile concurrent users cannot exceed the limit defined for either globally for the organization or for the group.
INVALIDPARAM_RPATCONCURRENTLIMIT The number of RPAT concurrent users cannot exceed the limit defined for either globally for the organization or for the group. This error is only available for users of the setGroup_v2 method.
NOT_ENOUGH_SEAT_​LICENSES_AVAILABLE There are not enough standard, mobile, or RPAT licenses available.
NODE_CANNOT_BE_ENABLED_​BECAUSE_ITS_ PARENT_NODE_IS_DISABLED The status of the user cannot be set to enabled because the parent node is disabled.
INVALID_SECRETAUTHCODE The secret authentication code for the user is invalid.
USER_DELETED_OR_DISABLED The user is deleted or disabled.

Sample Code

The following are examples for using the setGroup_v2 method that you can call in your environment.


 &description=TechGroup1&permission=RemoteControl, RemoteView&lockedpermission=


<form method="post" action="https://secure.logmeinrescue.com/API/setGroup_v2.aspx">
        <input name="node" value="337364">
        <input name="name" value="TechGroup">
        <input name="status" value="Enabled">
        <input name="description" value="TechGroup1">
        <input name="permission" value="RemoteControl, RemoteView">
        <input name="lockedpermission" value="CallingCardDeployment">
        <input name="standardconcurrentlimit" value="10">
        <input name="mobileconcurrentlimit" value="10">
        <input name="rpatconcurrentlimit" value="5">
        <input name="authcode" value="4ahx...80u0">

C# with SOAP

using System;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using apiSamples.WebServiceClients;

namespace apiSamples
    public partial class SOAP : System.Web.UI.Page
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                //Set up proxy
                WebServiceClients.API proxy = new WebServiceClients.API();
                proxy.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();

                string sEmail = "some@email.com";
                string sPwd = "secretpassword";
                int iNodeID = 123456;
                string sName = "Testing";
                nodeStatus eNodeStatus = nodeStatus.Enabled;
                string sDescription = "";
                NODE_PERMISSIONS_V2[] aPermissions = { NODE_PERMISSIONS_V2.RemoteControl, NODE_PERMISSIONS_V2.RemoteView };
                NODE_PERMISSIONS_V2[] aLockedPermissions = { NODE_PERMISSIONS_V2.RemoteControl, NODE_PERMISSIONS_V2.RemoteView };
                int iStandardConcurrentLimit = 0;
                int iMobileConcurrentLimit = 0;
                int iRPATConcurrentLimit = 0;
                string sAuthCode = "4ahx...80u0";

                WebServiceClients.loginRet oLogin = proxy.login(sEmail, sPwd);
                Response.Write(oLogin + "<br />");

                WebServiceClients.setGroupRet_v2 oSetGroupV2 = proxy.setGroup_v2(iNodeID, sName,
                                                                         eNodeStatus, sDescription, aPermissions,
                                                                         aLockedPermissions, iStandardConcurrentLimit,
                                                                         iMobileConcurrentLimit, iRPATConcurrentLimit, sAuthCode);
                Response.Write(oSetGroupV2 + "<br />");
            catch (Exception ex)

