Retrieves whether a channel has technicians online. You can see online technicians in the organization tree of the Rescue Administration Center.
Input Parameters
Element | Definition |
ChannelID | The ID of the channel in which you are looking for online technicians. Required. |
ExcludingAwayAndBusy | Determines whether away and busy statuses
of technicians are considered as online. Optional.
The possible values are the following:
Setting this parameter to false disregards the status of the technician. If there is a technician on the channel, the return value of the isAnyTechAvailableOnChannel method will be true. Setting this parameter to true takes the status of technicians into account as follows:
TRUE / FALSE: See the description below
Return Values
Displayed Return Value | Description |
ERROR | An unspecified error occurred, such as timeout. |
OK | This return value is used for SOAP messages only and is displayed whenever the isAnyTechAvailableOnChannel method is called. |
TRUE | There is a technician available on the
specified channel.
If working hours are defined, the return value is TRUE if the following conditions are all true:
Note: If working hours are defined, the return value is also
TRUE if there is an online technician, the
Abort sessions and show this webpage to the
customer option is selected, and a customer tries to start a
session during non-working hours.
For information on defining working hours, see the LogMeIn Rescue Administration Center User Guide. |
FALSE | There is no technician available on the
specified channel.
If working hours are defined, the return value is FALSE if there is no online technician. For information on defining working hours, see the LogMeIn Rescue Administration Center User Guide. |
HASONLINETECHNICIANS | This return parameter is used for SOAP messages only and its value can be TRUE or FALSE depending on the conditions described above. |
Sample Code

The following are examples for using the isAnyTechAvailableOnChannel method that you can call in your environment.
<form method="post" action="
<input name="ChannelID" value="1902861082">
<input name="ExcludingAwayAndBusy" value="true">
C# with SOAP
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using apiSamples.WebServiceClients;
namespace apiSamples
public partial class SOAP : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Set up proxy
WebServiceClients.API proxy = new WebServiceClients.API();
proxy.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
string sEmail = "";
string sPwd = "secretPassword";
WebServiceClients.loginRet loginResult = proxy.login(sEmail, sPwd);
Response.Write(loginResult + "<br />");
int iChannelID = [ID of channel node];
bool bExcludingAwayAndBusy = true;
bool bHasOnlineTechnicians;
//Get result
WebServiceClients.isAnyTechAvailableOnChannelRet isAnyTechAvailableResult =
proxy.isAnyTechAvailableOnChannel(iChannelID, bExcludingAwayAndBusy, out bHasOnlineTechnicians);
catch (Exception ex)
lblError.Text = ex.Message;