LogMeIn Rescue API User Guide

How to Assign or Unassign a Technician to a Channel

You can assign a technician to another channel if the original channel is too busy.

Why would you do this? You can transfer technicians between channels to set the workload of your technicians.

  1. Log in if you have not done that already.

    Account holders log in by using the logIn API method.

    • Using HTTP GET request:
    • Using HTTP POST request:
      <form method="post" action="https://secure.logmeinrescue.com/API/login.aspx">
              <input name="email" value="some@email.com">
              <input name="pwd" value="secretPassword">

    Response: OK

  2. Assign the technician to a channel.

    Use the assignChannel or unassignChannel API method to assign or unassign a technician to a channel.

    • Using HTTP GET request:
    • Using HTTP POST request:
      <form method="post" action="https://secure.logmeinrescue.com/API/assignChannel.aspx">
              <input name="node" value="337366">
              <input name="entry" value="1902861082">

    Note: The unassignChannel API method requires the same parameters as assignChannel.

    Response: OK

    The technician is assigned to another channel.

Here is a complete example for checking technician availability:

  • With HTTP GET
  • With HTTP POST
    <form method="post" action="https://secure.logmeinrescue.com/API/login.aspx">
            <input name="email" value="some@email.com">
            <input name="pwd" value="secretPassword">
    <form method="post" action="https://secure.logmeinrescue.com/API/assignChannel.aspx">
            <input name="node" value="337366">
            <input name="entry" value="1902861082">