LogMeIn Rescue API User Guide

Options for Authenticating with Rescue API

Rescue API lets a Rescue account holder use the Rescue Administration Center's features without logging in to an account.

Rescue API offers two methods to authenticate users:

  • The logIn method is used with applications that can handle session cookies over the HTTP protocol. It imitates the log in process of the Rescue website and session cookies are used to store and send user information. An account holder who is logged in with the logIn method must log in again after 20 minutes of inactivity.
  • The requestAuthCode method is used with applications that cannot handle session cookies over the HTTP protocol. This method generates a random string of characters (authcode) that authenticates the Rescue account holder. The account holder uses this authcode to invoke API methods without actually logging in to the Rescue account. With a valid authcode, the account holder can invoke any number of API methods. An authcode does not time out; it remains valid until the account holder requests a new one.

The Rescue API quick starts provide examples for both methods.